Rare items and items sold on the online flea market

Lampe Jielde noire

Black Jielde lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

Black Jielde lamp
Pot à pharmacie apothicaire

Apothecary pharmacy jar

Brikbroc - Sold

Apothecary pharmacy jar
Pot à pharmacie apothicaire bleu

Blue apothecary pharmacy jar

Brikbroc - Sold

Blue apothecary pharmacy jar
Lot Assiettes déco Digoin Sarreguemines

Decorative plates Digoin Sarreguemines

Brikbroc - Sold

Decorative plates Digoin Sarreguemines
Miroir bambou clair carré

Square clear bamboo mirror

Brikbroc - Sold

Square clear bamboo mirror
Table basse en rotin années 70

70s rattan coffee table

Brikbroc - Sold

70s rattan coffee table
Chaise enfant rotin

Rattan children's chair

Brikbroc - Sold

Rattan children's chair
Comptoir de quincaillerie années 50

1950s hardware counter

Brikbroc - Sold

1950s hardware counter
Buffet années 50 en chêne massif

1950s solid oak sideboard

Brikbroc - Sold

1950s solid oak sideboard
Buffet art déco

Art deco buffet

Brikbroc - Sold

Art deco buffet
Fauteuil charentais années 50

Charentais armchair from the 50s

Brikbroc - Sold

Charentais armchair from the 50s
Pichet céramique émaillée

Enamelled ceramic pitcher

Brikbroc - Sold

Enamelled ceramic pitcher
Série de pots d'épices alu art déco

Series of art deco aluminum spice jars

Brikbroc - Sold

Series of art deco aluminum spice jars
Paire de lampes

Pair of lamps

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of lamps
Globe J. Forest

Globe J. Forest

Brikbroc - Sold

Globe J. Forest
Paire de chaises courbé

Pair of curved chairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of curved chairs
Lampe atelier ancienne sur étau

Old workshop lamp on vice

Brikbroc - Sold

Old workshop lamp on vice
Paire de chaises design 70

Pair of designer chairs 70

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of designer chairs 70
Chaises Hitier

Hitier chairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Hitier chairs
Appelant bois oiseau peint main art pop

Caller wood bird hand painted pop art

Brikbroc - Sold

Caller wood bird hand painted pop art
Duo d'oiseaux du marais en bois

Three wooden marsh birds

Brikbroc - Sold

Three wooden marsh birds
Enfilade XXe made in France

Art studio storage unit

Brikbroc - Sold

Art studio storage unit
Chaise en rotin vintage

Vintage rattan chair

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage rattan chair
Chilienne vintage

Chilean vintage

Brikbroc - Sold

Chilean vintage
Porte chapeau en rotin

Rattan hat rack

Brikbroc - Sold

Rattan hat rack
Lampe de cour

Courtyard lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

Courtyard lamp
Paire de rames d'annexe vintage

Pair of vintage tender oars

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of vintage tender oars
Buffet deux corps art déco restauré

Restored art deco two-body sideboard

Brikbroc - Sold

Restored art deco two-body sideboard
Paire de fauteuils crapauds

Pair of toad armchairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of toad armchairs
Table de toilette

Dressing table

Brikbroc - Sold

Dressing table
Suspension en verre fumé 1970s

Smoked glass pendant light 1970s

Brikbroc - Sold

Smoked glass pendant light 1970s
Lot deux pubs anciennes encadrées

Lot of two old framed advertisements

Brikbroc - Sold

Lot of two old framed advertisements
Paire de fauteuils design 60

Pair of designer armchairs 60

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of designer armchairs 60
Vase ancien émaillé

Old enameled vase

Brikbroc - Sold

Old enameled vase
Porte manteaux entrée

Entrance coat rack

Brikbroc - Sold

Entrance coat rack
Fauteuil tulipe

Tulip armchair

Brikbroc - Sold

Tulip armchair
Paire de chaises de bureau

Pair of office chairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of office chairs
Petit meuble à tiroirs en pin

Small pine drawer unit

Brikbroc - Sold

Small pine drawer unit
Pot à graisse Digoin France

Digoin France grease pot

Brikbroc - Sold

Digoin France grease pot
Moulin à café Peugeot

Peugeot coffee grinder

Brikbroc - Sold

Peugeot coffee grinder
Radiateur Thermor transformé en lampe

Thermor radiator transformed into a lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

Thermor radiator transformed into a lamp
Commode vintage

Vintage chest of drawers

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage chest of drawers
Chaise design Edwige

Edwige designer chair

Brikbroc - Sold

Edwige designer chair
Fauteuil ancien cordage

Old rope armchair

Brikbroc - Sold

Old rope armchair
Pub ancienne cadre vintage

Old pub vintage frame

Brikbroc - Sold

Old pub vintage frame
Vareuse ancienne L

Old smock

Brikbroc - Sold

Old smock
Secrétaire années 60

60s secretary

Brikbroc - Sold

60s secretary
Chaise bois et assise en cordage chanvre

Wooden chair and hemp rope seat

Brikbroc - Sold

Wooden chair and hemp rope seat
Petit miroir ancien piqué

Small old quilted mirror

Brikbroc - Sold

Small old quilted mirror
Vitrine clés de chambres d'hôtel

Hotel room key display case

Brikbroc - Sold

Hotel room key display case
Paire de rames d'annexe

Pair of annex oars

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of annex oars
Chaise Pelfran moumoute 60s

Pelfran moumoute chair 60s

Brikbroc - Sold

Pelfran moumoute chair 60s
Vestiaire penderie et étagères

Wardrobe and shelves

Brikbroc - Sold

Wardrobe and shelves
Chaise soudex vinyl

Vintage scallop chair

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage scallop chair
Fauteuil ancien vintage années 70

Old vintage armchair from the 70s

Brikbroc - Sold

Old vintage armchair from the 70s
Travailleuse couturière ancienne

Former seamstress worker

Brikbroc - Sold

Former seamstress worker
Lot assiettes moulin des loups

Set of Moulin des loups plates

Brikbroc - Sold

Set of Moulin des loups plates
Commode coiffeuse triptyque

Triptych dressing table chest of drawers

Brikbroc - Sold

Triptych dressing table chest of drawers
Commode ancienne

Old chest of drawers

Brikbroc - Sold

Old chest of drawers
Petite travailleuse ancienne

Little old worker

Brikbroc - Sold

Little old worker
Paire de tables de chevet 1960

Pair of midcentury bedside tables

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of midcentury bedside tables
vase années 60 verre orange et bleu

60s vase orange and blue glass

Brikbroc - Sold

60s vase orange and blue glass
Chiffonnier vintage en bois

Vintage wooden chiffonier

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage wooden chiffonier
Tableau huile sur toile

Oil painting on canvas

Brikbroc - Sold

Oil painting on canvas
Panier vigneron art pop

Pop art winegrower basket

Brikbroc - Sold

Pop art winegrower basket
Cloche en verre soufflé

Blown glass bell

Brikbroc - Sold

Blown glass bell
Pot à pâté faïence de Sarreguemines

Sarreguemines earthenware pâté pot

Brikbroc - Sold

Sarreguemines earthenware pâté pot
Panier vigneron art pop

Pop art winegrower basket

Brikbroc - Sold

Pop art winegrower basket
Bouées de filets vintage

Vintage net buoys

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage net buoys
Porte manteaux école

School coat rack

Brikbroc - Sold

School coat rack
Chaise design scandinave 70s

70s Scandinavian design chair

Brikbroc - Sold

70s Scandinavian design chair
Paire de lampes de chevet anciennes

Pair of old bedside lamps

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of old bedside lamps
La méduse sur Chausey

The jellyfish on Chausey

Brikbroc - Sold

The jellyfish on Chausey
Fauteuil en skai années 60 70

Leatherette armchair from the 60s and 70s

Brikbroc - Sold

Leatherette armchair from the 60s and 70s
Table basse made in Marennes

Netflix coffee table made in Marennes

Brikbroc - Sold

Netflix coffee table made in Marennes
Huile sur bois marine 1957

Oil on marine wood 1957

Brikbroc - Sold

Oil on marine wood 1957
Lot formes en bois

Lot of wooden shapes against mold

Brikbroc - Sold

Lot of wooden shapes against mold
Bic sur carte marine

Bic on nautical chart

Brikbroc - Sold

Bic on nautical chart
Paire de chaises Soudex

Pair of Soudex chairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of Soudex chairs
Affiche scolaire ancienne champignons

Old mushroom school poster

Brikbroc - Sold

Old mushroom school poster
Meuble de métiers tiroirs

Trade furniture with drawers

Brikbroc - Sold

Trade furniture with drawers
Fauteuil coquille en rotin

Rattan shell armchair

Brikbroc - Sold

Rattan shell armchair
Pharmacie en bois peint

Painted wooden pharmacy

Brikbroc - Sold

Painted wooden pharmacy
Table terrasse de bistro

Bistro terrace table

Brikbroc - Sold

Bistro terrace table
Cloche marine en bronze

Bronze marine bell

Brikbroc - Sold

Bronze marine bell
Lampe d'atelier Mazda

Mazda workshop light

Brikbroc - Sold

Mazda workshop light
Meuble classeur deux rideaux

Filing cabinet with two curtains

Brikbroc - Sold

Filing cabinet with two curtains
Lot de huit assiettes vintage

Set of eight vintage plates

Brikbroc - Sold

Set of eight vintage plates
Fauteuil vintage années 70

Vintage armchair from the 70s

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage armchair from the 70s
Meuble d'angle en loupe d'orme

Elm burl corner cabinet

Brikbroc - Sold

Elm burl corner cabinet
Paire de chaises vintage chrome et skai

Pair of vintage chrome and skai chairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of vintage chrome and skai chairs
Lessiveuse ancienne Leopold

Old Leopold washing machine

Brikbroc - Sold

Old Leopold washing machine
Cadre ancien aquarelle la Royan

Old watercolor frame Royan

Brikbroc - Sold

Old watercolor frame Royan
Fauteuil paillé

Straw armchair

Brikbroc - Sold

Straw armchair
Classeur cinq clapets

Five-flap binder

Brikbroc - Sold

Five-flap binder
Travailleuse vintage bois

Vintage wood worker

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage wood worker
Chilienne vintage

Chilean vintage

Brikbroc - Sold

Chilean vintage
Table basse made in MN

Coffee table made in MN

Brikbroc - Sold

Coffee table made in MN
Lot de quatre chaises

Set of four vintage wooden chairs and blue geometric pattern tapestry

Brikbroc - Sold

Set of four vintage wooden chairs and blue geometric pattern tapestry
Travailleuse boutons touline

Button worker touline

Brikbroc - Sold

Button worker touline
Vitrine collection 1950

1950s collection display case

Brikbroc - Sold

1950s collection display case
Plan de travail établi diy

DIY established work plan

Brikbroc - Sold

DIY established work plan
Table basse art déco

Art Deco coffee table

Brikbroc - Sold

Art Deco coffee table
Meuble chiffonier

Chest of drawers

Brikbroc - Sold

Chest of drawers
Paire de fauteuils anciens relookés

Pair of refurbished antique armchairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of refurbished antique armchairs
Meuble années 50

50s furniture

Brikbroc - Sold

50s furniture
Pichet BCM

BCM Pitcher

Brikbroc - Sold

BCM Pitcher
Shako de garde Républicain

Republican Guard Shako

Brikbroc - Sold

Republican Guard Shako
Lampe Wonder Tiphon

Wonder Tiphon Lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

Wonder Tiphon Lamp
Coffret jeu de dame et Jacquet

Checkers and Jacquet game box set

Brikbroc - Sold

Checkers and Jacquet game box set
Meuble ancien bois

Old wooden furniture

Brikbroc - Sold

Old wooden furniture
Colonne dix clapets métal

Column ten metal flaps

Brikbroc - Sold

Column ten metal flaps
Fauteuil mid century Monobloc

Mid century Monobloc armchair

Brikbroc - Sold

Mid century Monobloc armchair
Passoire vintage émaillée

Vintage enameled colander

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage enameled colander
Table basse ovale

Oval coffee table

Brikbroc - Sold

Oval coffee table
Paire de fauteuils bridge

New upholstered bridge armchair

Brikbroc - Sold

New upholstered bridge armchair
Classeur à rideau ancien bois

Old wooden curtain filing cabinet

Brikbroc - Sold

Old wooden curtain filing cabinet
Horloge Vedette

Featured Clock

Brikbroc - Sold

Featured Clock
Encre et peinture sur carte marine

Ink and paint on nautical chart

Brikbroc - Sold

Ink and paint on nautical chart
Vide poche céramique 60s

60s ceramic pocket emptier

Brikbroc - Sold

60s ceramic pocket emptier
Baccarat Bambou Tors

Tors Bamboo Toilet Set

Brikbroc - Sold

Tors Bamboo Toilet Set
Bic sur carte marine Ecosse

Bic on nautical chart Scotland

Brikbroc - Sold

Bic on nautical chart Scotland
Grand miroir Louis Philippe

Large Louis Philippe mirror

Brikbroc - Sold

Large Louis Philippe mirror
Miroir ancien Louis Philippe

Antique Louis Philippe mirror

Brikbroc - Sold

Antique Louis Philippe mirror
Peinture huile marine

Marine oil painting

Brikbroc - Sold

Marine oil painting
Panier ancien en osier

Old wicker basket

Brikbroc - Sold

Old wicker basket
Lampe phare ancien sur forêt industriel

Old lighthouse lamp on industrial forest

Brikbroc - Sold

Old lighthouse lamp on industrial forest
Lampe atelier Adher avec étau

Adler workshop lamp with vice

Brikbroc - Sold

Adler workshop lamp with vice
Lustre suspension 70s

70s pendant chandelier

Brikbroc - Sold

70s pendant chandelier
Fauteuil skai design space age

Space age design skai armchair

Brikbroc - Sold

Space age design skai armchair
Miroir XXe

set of two 20th century mirrors

Brikbroc - Sold

set of two 20th century mirrors
Miroir ancien biseauté

Antique beveled mirror

Brikbroc - Sold

Antique beveled mirror
Tabouret pieds compas

Compass foot stool

Brikbroc - Sold

Compass foot stool
Chaise 70s

70s chair

Brikbroc - Sold

70s chair
Petit panier vintage

Small vintage basket

Brikbroc - Sold

Small vintage basket
Porte manteaux anciens en bois

Antique wooden coat racks

Brikbroc - Sold

Antique wooden coat racks
Armoire type parisienne années 40

1950s wooden locker room

Brikbroc - Sold

1950s wooden locker room
Veste armée de l'air

Air force jacket

Brikbroc - Sold

Air force jacket
Lampe de chevet en albâtre

Alabaster bedside lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

Alabaster bedside lamp
Lampe de table

Table lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

Table lamp
Chaise space age chrome

Space age chrome chair

Brikbroc - Sold

Space age chrome chair
Fauteuil tripode Merat 50s

Ed Merat 50s tripod armchair

Brikbroc - Sold

Ed Merat 50s tripod armchair
Coffre ancien bombé

Antique curved chest

Brikbroc - Sold

Antique curved chest
Fauteuil bois paille

Wooden straw armchair

Brikbroc - Sold

Wooden straw armchair
Fauteuil en rotin années 60

60s rattan armchair

Brikbroc - Sold

60s rattan armchair
Buffet ancien poncé brut

Old rough sanded sideboard

Brikbroc - Sold

Old rough sanded sideboard
Vélo vintage motoconfort

Vintage bike motoconfort

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage bike motoconfort
Comptoir de quincaillerie

Hardware counter

Brikbroc - Sold

Hardware counter
Etagère industrielle

Industrial shelving

Brikbroc - Sold

Industrial shelving
Tabouret rotin

Rattan stool

Brikbroc - Sold

Rattan stool
Armoire asymétrique

Asymmetrical wardrobe

Brikbroc - Sold

Asymmetrical wardrobe
Porte manteaux perroquet

Parrot coat rack

Brikbroc - Sold

Parrot coat rack
Table pliante en bambou années 60

Folding bamboo table from the 60s

Brikbroc - Sold

Folding bamboo table from the 60s
Table basse ronde

Round coffee table

Brikbroc - Sold

Round coffee table
Miroir ancien noir

Antique black mirror

Brikbroc - Sold

Antique black mirror
Meuble de métiers Berliet VAB armée

armed mechanical trades furniture

Brikbroc - Sold

armed mechanical trades furniture
Meuble industriel

Industrial furniture

Brikbroc - Sold

Industrial furniture
Panier ancien cylindre

Old cylinder basket

Brikbroc - Sold

Old cylinder basket
Caquelon Le Creuset

Le Creuset fondue pot

Brikbroc - Sold

Le Creuset fondue pot
Commode ancienne 60s

Antique chest of drawers from the 60s

Brikbroc - Sold

Antique chest of drawers from the 60s