Rare items and items sold on the online flea market

Fauteuil américain

American armchair

Brikbroc - Sold

American armchair
Chaise design space age

Space age design chair

Brikbroc - Sold

Space age design chair
Fauteuil vintage pied tulipe

Vintage tulip armchair

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage tulip armchair
Etabli de menuisier

Carpenter's workbench

Brikbroc - Sold

Carpenter's workbench
Lampe d'architecte Ferdinand Solère

Lamp architect Ferdinand Solère

Brikbroc - Sold

Lamp architect Ferdinand Solère
Baladeuse ancienne

Old portable lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

Old portable lamp
Mange debout métal et bois

Eat standing up

Brikbroc - Sold

Eat standing up
Chaise moumoute neuve

New moumoute chair

Brikbroc - Sold

New moumoute chair
Balance Dayton

Balance Dayton

Brikbroc - Sold

Balance Dayton
Meuble de métiers ancien

Old craft furniture

Brikbroc - Sold

Old craft furniture
Projecteur de théatre lentille Fresnel

Pair of Fresnel projectors

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of Fresnel projectors
Travailleuse marquéterie cubes

Worker decorated with cubes inlay

Brikbroc - Sold

Worker decorated with cubes inlay
Table de bistro

Bistro table

Brikbroc - Sold

Bistro table
Paire d'appliques VECA

VECA bathroom set

Brikbroc - Sold

VECA bathroom set
Affiche ancienne entoilée Auzoux

Vintage poster backed on Auzoux

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage poster backed on Auzoux
Paravent Baumann 1950

Screen Baumann 1950

Brikbroc - Sold

Screen Baumann 1950
Panier acier galvannisé

Galvanized steel basket

Brikbroc - Sold

Galvanized steel basket
Enfilade art déco

Art deco sideboard

Brikbroc - Sold

Art deco sideboard
Affiche scolaire Dr Auzoux - Paul Sougy

Dr Auzoux school poster - Paul Sougy

Brikbroc - Sold

Dr Auzoux school poster - Paul Sougy
Porte pots en osier

Wicker pot holder

Brikbroc - Sold

Wicker pot holder
Porte manteaux vintage

Vintage coat rack

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage coat rack
Marche pieds métal artisanal pièce unique

Handmade metal footstool unique piece

Brikbroc - Sold

Handmade metal footstool unique piece
Table de tri postal

Postal sorting table

Brikbroc - Sold

Postal sorting table
Grande malle de voyage 1900

Large travel trunk 1900

Brikbroc - Sold

Large travel trunk 1900
Casiers métal deux tiroirs

Metal lockers with two drawers

Brikbroc - Sold

Metal lockers with two drawers
Pieux d'ardoise 35*10

Slate piles 13.78 x 3.94 inch

Brikbroc - Sold

Slate piles 13.78 x 3.94 inch
Table bistro métal décapée

Stripped metal bistro table

Brikbroc - Sold

Stripped metal bistro table
Dame jeanne

Lady jeanne

Brikbroc - Sold

Lady jeanne
Paire de chaises en skai vert

Pair of chairs in green skai

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of chairs in green skai
Ancienne machine à coudre

Old sewing machine

Brikbroc - Sold

Old sewing machine
Chaise haute atelier

High chair workshop

Brikbroc - Sold

High chair workshop
Globe Girard Barrère les colonies

Globe Girard Barrère the colonies

Brikbroc - Sold

Globe Girard Barrère the colonies
Fauteuil en skai noir assise retapissée

1970's skai armchair

Brikbroc - Sold

1970's skai armchair
Sculpture auto portrait de forgeron

Blacksmith self portrait sculpture

Brikbroc - Sold

Blacksmith self portrait sculpture
Chaise de bistro en bois courbé

Bentwood bistro chair

Brikbroc - Sold

Bentwood bistro chair
Rocking chair

Rocking chair

Brikbroc - Sold

Rocking chair
Tabouret design 70s

70s design stool

Brikbroc - Sold

70s design stool
Ensemble fauteuils skai et repose pieds

Set of ski chairs and footrest

Brikbroc - Sold

Set of ski chairs and footrest
Commode en bois et rotin

Wooden and rattan chest of drawers

Brikbroc - Sold

Wooden and rattan chest of drawers
Paire de chaises années 30 40

Pair of chairs from the 30s and 40s

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of chairs from the 30s and 40s
Table basse en rotin

Rattan coffee table

Brikbroc - Sold

Rattan coffee table
Petit globe en tôle

Small tin globe

Brikbroc - Sold

Small tin globe
Comptoir ancien

Old counter

Brikbroc - Sold

Old counter
Petit bureau établi d'appoint

Small desk

Brikbroc - Sold

Small desk
Verrières sur mesure

Custom canopy

Brikbroc - Sold

Custom canopy
Lot bureau petite surface

Create an office space in a small space.

Brikbroc - Sold

Create an office space in a small space.
Carte scolaire Amérique du sud

South America school map

Brikbroc - Sold

South America school map
Table basse Aiborne de Florent Lasbleiz

Aiborne Jasmin coffee table

Brikbroc - Sold

Aiborne Jasmin coffee table
Suspension design

Designer pendant light

Brikbroc - Sold

Designer pendant light
Globe terrestre XXL Philip and son 70

XXL vintage globe Philip and son 70

Brikbroc - Sold

XXL vintage globe Philip and son 70
Enfilade années 60

60's sideboard

Brikbroc - Sold

60's sideboard
Porte manteaux années 50 60

50s 60s coat rack

Brikbroc - Sold

50s 60s coat rack
Miroir gedy olaf von bohr

Gedy olaf von bohr mirror

Brikbroc - Sold

Gedy olaf von bohr mirror
Lampe d'atelier

1970s workshop lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

1970s workshop lamp
Petit meuble art déco

Small art deco furniture

Brikbroc - Sold

Small art deco furniture
Lot de cannes anciennes

Lot of old canes

Brikbroc - Sold

Lot of old canes
Meuble d'atelier

Workshop furniture

Brikbroc - Sold

Workshop furniture
Chaise design marteau

Hammer design chair

Brikbroc - Sold

Hammer design chair
Ancienne tringle à rideaux de chateau

Old castle curtain rod

Brikbroc - Sold

Old castle curtain rod
Affiche scolaire Dr Auzoux - Paul Sougy

Dr Auzoux school poster - Paul Sougy

Brikbroc - Sold

Dr Auzoux school poster - Paul Sougy
Console Brikbroc

Brikbroc console

Brikbroc - Sold

Brikbroc console
Lampe d'établi Waldmann

Waldmann bench lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

Waldmann bench lamp
Globe terrestre Girard Barrère Thomas

Globe Girard Barrère Thomas

Brikbroc - Sold

Globe Girard Barrère Thomas
Fauteuil de bureau

Desk chair

Brikbroc - Sold

Desk chair
Lot de 6 chaises tapisserie neuve

Lot of 6 vintage chairs with new upholstery

Brikbroc - Sold

Lot of 6 vintage chairs with new upholstery
applique eye ball 70s

70s eye ball wall lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

70s eye ball wall lamp
Tabouret de bar

Bar stool

Brikbroc - Sold

Bar stool
Panier de pêche à pied

Shore fishing basket

Brikbroc - Sold

Shore fishing basket
Chaise tonneau

Small armchair with compass feet

Brikbroc - Sold

Small armchair with compass feet
Petit meuble de métiers à tiroirs

Small craft cabinet with drawers

Brikbroc - Sold

Small craft cabinet with drawers
Fauteuil bridge design

Design bridge armchair

Brikbroc - Sold

Design bridge armchair
Paire de fauteuils de jardin en fer forgé

Pair of wrought iron garden armchairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of wrought iron garden armchairs
Affiche Auzoux années 50

Poster Auzoux 1950s

Brikbroc - Sold

Poster Auzoux 1950s
Fauteuil Pomare années 60

Pomare armchair from the 60s

Brikbroc - Sold

Pomare armchair from the 60s
Lampe en laiton liseuse

Brass reading lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

Brass reading lamp
Lampe d'atelier accordéon

Accordion workshop lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

Accordion workshop lamp
Fauteuil ancien rustique

Rustic old armchair

Brikbroc - Sold

Rustic old armchair
Comptoir par Brikbroc

Counter by Brikbroc

Brikbroc - Sold

Counter by Brikbroc
Suspensions vintage originales

Original vintage pendant lights

Brikbroc - Sold

Original vintage pendant lights
Table de bistro pieds bois et laiton

Bistro table with wooden and brass legs

Brikbroc - Sold

Bistro table with wooden and brass legs
Canne de cap hornier

Cape Hornier Rod

Brikbroc - Sold

Cape Hornier Rod
Ancienne carte d'école l'Inde

Old school map India

Brikbroc - Sold

Old school map India
Lampe champignon Aluminor

Aluminor mushroom lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

Aluminor mushroom lamp
Lampe de table design space age

Space age design table lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

Space age design table lamp
Lampadaire eye ball

Eye ball floor lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

Eye ball floor lamp
Table basse Shogun de Capron

Shogun coffee table by Capron

Brikbroc - Sold

Shogun coffee table by Capron
Commode coiffeuse Louis Philippe XIXe

Dressing table Louis Philippe XIX

Brikbroc - Sold

Dressing table Louis Philippe XIX
Jouet ancien années 40 50

Old wooden toy the cicada and the ant

Brikbroc - Sold

Old wooden toy the cicada and the ant
Carte scolaire la France industrielle

School map of industrial France

Brikbroc - Sold

School map of industrial France
Bassin à moineaux

Sparrow pond

Brikbroc - Sold

Sparrow pond
Fauteuil ancien bois massif

Colonial style armchair

Brikbroc - Sold

Colonial style armchair
Meuble de cuisine 50s Monopolis

Kitchen furniture 50s Monopolis

Brikbroc - Sold

Kitchen furniture 50s Monopolis
Paire de fauteuils de barbier

Pair of barber chairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of barber chairs
Bibliothéque industrielle métal et bois

Metal and wood industrial library

Brikbroc - Sold

Metal and wood industrial library
Console industrielle

Industrial console

Brikbroc - Sold

Industrial console
Anciennes affiches scolaires entoilées

Old canvas school posters

Brikbroc - Sold

Old canvas school posters
Lampadaire années 60 trois tulipes

Floor lamp 60s three tulips

Brikbroc - Sold

Floor lamp 60s three tulips
Moulin à café de comptoir

Counter coffee grinder

Brikbroc - Sold

Counter coffee grinder
Grande dame jeanne 40*60cm

Grande dame jeanne 15.75 x 23.62 inch

Brikbroc - Sold

Grande dame jeanne 15.75 x 23.62 inch
Anciens moulinets en bois

Old wooden reels

Brikbroc - Sold

Old wooden reels
Petit lit enfant en rotin

Small rattan children's bed

Brikbroc - Sold

Small rattan children's bed
Ancien fauteuil bois exotique et cannage

Old exotic wood and cane armchair

Brikbroc - Sold

Old exotic wood and cane armchair
Dame jeanne ambrée 20L

Dame jeanne ambrée 20L

Brikbroc - Sold

Dame jeanne ambrée 20L
Voiture en tôle Belco N500

Belco N500 sheet metal car

Brikbroc - Sold

Belco N500 sheet metal car
Fauteuil oreille velours rouge

Old red velvet armchair

Brikbroc - Sold

Old red velvet armchair
Caisse en bois vache qui rit

Laughing Cow wooden crate

Brikbroc - Sold

Laughing Cow wooden crate
Casiers à bouteilles

Wine racks

Brikbroc - Sold

Wine racks
Fauteuil de coiffeur skai bleu

Blue skai barber chairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Blue skai barber chairs
Table vintage années 60

Vintage table from the 60s

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage table from the 60s
Enfilade industrielle

Industrial sideboard

Brikbroc - Sold

Industrial sideboard
Balance Testut blanche

Balance Testut white

Brikbroc - Sold

Balance Testut white
Table fer forgé et bois

Wrought iron and wood table

Brikbroc - Sold

Wrought iron and wood table
Panneau peint main Fish and chips

Fish and chips hand painted panel

Brikbroc - Sold

Fish and chips hand painted panel
Paire de fauteuils pieds tulipe

Pair of tulip armchairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of tulip armchairs
Renault 1935 Morellet et Guérineau

Renault 1935 Morellet and Guérineau

Brikbroc - Sold

Renault 1935 Morellet and Guérineau
Petit meuble d'atelier

Small workshop furniture

Brikbroc - Sold

Small workshop furniture
Abat jour coupelles couleurs rares

Rare colored cup lampshades

Brikbroc - Sold

Rare colored cup lampshades
Ancienne bourriche Huitre Marennes

Old hamper Huitre Marennes

Brikbroc - Sold

Old hamper Huitre Marennes
Bacs usine atelier métal

Metal workshop factory bins

Brikbroc - Sold

Metal workshop factory bins
Bidon solexine

Solexin can

Brikbroc - Sold

Solexin can
Bocaux de pharmacie anciens

Old pharmacy jars

Brikbroc - Sold

Old pharmacy jars
Collection Goldorak

Goldorak Collection

Brikbroc - Sold

Goldorak Collection
Lot de trois abats jour usine

Lot of three factory lampshades

Brikbroc - Sold

Lot of three factory lampshades
Lot de trois suspensions industrielles

Lot of three industrial suspensions

Brikbroc - Sold

Lot of three industrial suspensions
Dame jeanne années 50

Lot two ladies jeanne 50s

Brikbroc - Sold

Lot two ladies jeanne 50s
Grand triptyque années 50 restauré

Large restored 1950s triptych

Brikbroc - Sold

Large restored 1950s triptych
Tabouret atelier

Pair of workshop stools

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of workshop stools
Baignoire en fonte émaillée

Enamelled cast iron bathtub

Brikbroc - Sold

Enamelled cast iron bathtub
Plaque émaillée Dunlop

Dunlop enamel sign

Brikbroc - Sold

Dunlop enamel sign
Buffet deux corps vintage

Vintage two body sideboard

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage two body sideboard
Balance Testut en état de marche complète

Balance Testut in full working order

Brikbroc - Sold

Balance Testut in full working order
Globe de mariée et pot d'apothicaire

Bridal globe and apothecary jars

Brikbroc - Sold

Bridal globe and apothecary jars
Valise rivetée cuivre et laiton

Copper and brass riveted case

Brikbroc - Sold

Copper and brass riveted case
Chassis de verrières 121*132cm

Canopy frame 121 * 51.97 inch

Brikbroc - Sold

Canopy frame 121 * 51.97 inch
Ancienne voile pour ombrage

Old sails

Brikbroc - Sold

Old sails
Tabouret dessinateur industriel designer architecte

Industrial designer designer architect stool

Brikbroc - Sold

Industrial designer designer architect stool
Table de jardin en fer forgé art déco

Art deco wrought iron garden table

Brikbroc - Sold

Art deco wrought iron garden table
Lot de quatre chaise vintage en skai

Lot of four vintage chair in skai

Brikbroc - Sold

Lot of four vintage chair in skai
Meuble de métiers bibliothèque

Library craft furniture

Brikbroc - Sold

Library craft furniture
Table basse vintage en orme

Vintage elm coffee table

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage elm coffee table
Fauteuils de barbier

Pair of barber chairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of barber chairs
Bureau pieds compas

Ekawerk design office

Brikbroc - Sold

Ekawerk design office
Fauteuil vintage simili cuir rouge

Vintage red imitation leather armchair

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage red imitation leather armchair
Jielde deux bras noire

Jielde two black arms

Brikbroc - Sold

Jielde two black arms
Lampe liseuse Jielde trois bras

Jielde reading lamp three arms

Brikbroc - Sold

Jielde reading lamp three arms
Pompe à essence Satam

Satam fuel pump

Brikbroc - Sold

Satam fuel pump
Camion Joustra Transsaharien 50s

Joustra Transsaharian 50s truck

Brikbroc - Sold

Joustra Transsaharian 50s truck
Colonne à clapets Ronéo

Ronéo valve column

Brikbroc - Sold

Ronéo valve column
Meubles de métiers métal

Metal crafts furniture

Brikbroc - Sold

Metal crafts furniture
Table basse palette SNCF

SNCF pallet coffee table

Brikbroc - Sold

SNCF pallet coffee table
Meuble atelier

Workshop furniture

Brikbroc - Sold

Workshop furniture
Fauteuil vintage tissu

Vintage fabric armchair

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage fabric armchair
Buffet mado relooké

Restored mado buffet

Brikbroc - Sold

Restored mado buffet
Grand panneau émaillé

Large enamel sign

Brikbroc - Sold

Large enamel sign
Porte manteaux isolateurs

Insulating coat racks

Brikbroc - Sold

Insulating coat racks
Banquette chariot usine

Factory trolley bench

Brikbroc - Sold

Factory trolley bench
Lampadaire vintage années 50

Vintage floor lamp from the 50s

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage floor lamp from the 50s
Mobilier de la BNF

BNF furniture

Brikbroc - Sold

BNF furniture
Chariot années 50 minotier

Cart 1950s flour mill

Brikbroc - Sold

Cart 1950s flour mill
Lot table formica et quatre chaises formica

Lot formica table and four formica chairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Lot formica table and four formica chairs