Rare items and items sold on the online flea market

chaise de bureau années 60

60s office chair

Brikbroc - Sold

60s office chair
Carte marine Rochefort à La Rochelle encadrée

Framed Rochefort to La Rochelle nautical chart

Brikbroc - Sold

Framed Rochefort to La Rochelle nautical chart
Paire de chaises en rotin

Pair of rattan chairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of rattan chairs
Tapis rond ancien cuir de chêvre

Old goat leather round rug

Brikbroc - Sold

Old goat leather round rug
Fauteuil rotin et lanières de cuir

Rattan armchair and leather straps

Brikbroc - Sold

Rattan armchair and leather straps
Buffet style art déco années 50

1950s art deco sideboard

Brikbroc - Sold

1950s art deco sideboard
Lot de quatre chaises en bois

Set of four wooden chairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Set of four wooden chairs
Lot de rames pour annexe anciennes

Lot of oars for old dinghy

Brikbroc - Sold

Lot of oars for old dinghy
Chaise et pouff moumoute 60s 70s

Chair and footrest toupee 60s 70s

Brikbroc - Sold

Chair and footrest toupee 60s 70s
Comptoir de caisse années 50

1950s cash counter

Brikbroc - Sold

1950s cash counter
Tabouret haut atelier

High workshop stool

Brikbroc - Sold

High workshop stool
Chaise tonneau 60s et tabouret assorti

60s barrel chair and matching stool

Brikbroc - Sold

60s barrel chair and matching stool
Tabouret bas rotin

Low rattan stool

Brikbroc - Sold

Low rattan stool
Quatre chaises design scandinave 70s

Four 70s Scandinavian design chairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Four 70s Scandinavian design chairs
Porte plantes en fer forgé

Wrought iron plant stand

Brikbroc - Sold

Wrought iron plant stand
Fauteuil bridge en skai

Skai bridge armchair

Brikbroc - Sold

Skai bridge armchair
Gitomètre ou inclinomètre en laiton

Brass gitometer or inclinometer

Brikbroc - Sold

Brass gitometer or inclinometer
Balance de boulanger F. LEGRAIN

I have the set of weights with it is complete (I sell it for 40€) ask for a photo I will make a second announcement if purchased via the right corner

Brikbroc - Sold

I have the set of weights with it is complete (I sell it for 40€) ask for a photo I will make a second announcement if purchased via the right corner
Meuble de métiers plan de travail boucherie établi

Butcher's workbench workbench

Brikbroc - Sold

Butcher's workbench workbench
Malle années 50 60 en bois et en tole

Trunk 50s 60s in wood and tole

Brikbroc - Sold

Trunk 50s 60s in wood and tole
Carte marine Ile d'Oléron

Ile d'Oléron nautical map

Brikbroc - Sold

Ile d'Oléron nautical map
Armoire de notaire

small cabinet

Brikbroc - Sold

small cabinet
Chaises en formica

Formica chairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Formica chairs
Table bois formica rouge

Red formica wood table

Brikbroc - Sold

Red formica wood table
Malle ancienne années 50

1950s old trunk

Brikbroc - Sold

1950s old trunk
Chaise d'atelier années 60

60s workshop chair

Brikbroc - Sold

60s workshop chair
Lot dame jeanne anciennes

Old demijohn lot

Brikbroc - Sold

Old demijohn lot
Confiturier début XXe

Early 20th century jam maker

Brikbroc - Sold

Early 20th century jam maker
Carte marine vintage st malo saint michel le havre jersey

Vintage nautical chart st malo saint michel le havre jersey

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage nautical chart st malo saint michel le havre jersey
Cartes murales scolaires

School wall maps

Brikbroc - Sold

School wall maps
Panneau interdit aux démarcheurs

Sign prohibited to canvassers

Brikbroc - Sold

Sign prohibited to canvassers
Vélo ancien Peugeot

old Peugeot bike

Brikbroc - Sold

old Peugeot bike
Pot pharmacie verre bleu Gentiane

Gentian blue glass pharmacy jar

Brikbroc - Sold

Gentian blue glass pharmacy jar
Classeur double rideaux

Double curtain filing cabinet

Brikbroc - Sold

Double curtain filing cabinet
Baromètre thermomètre formica 60s

Barometer thermometer formica 60s

Brikbroc - Sold

Barometer thermometer formica 60s
Bateau de bassin ancien

Basin boat hull

Brikbroc - Sold

Basin boat hull
Suspension en verre de Clichy

Lace glass pendant light

Brikbroc - Sold

Lace glass pendant light
Poufs en cuir années 70

70s leather poufs

Brikbroc - Sold

70s leather poufs
Table basse industrielle

Industrial coffee table

Brikbroc - Sold

Industrial coffee table
Déco bois atelier

Workshop wood decor

Brikbroc - Sold

Workshop wood decor
Lampe bidon Polaroil

Polaroil canister lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

Polaroil canister lamp
Commode années 60 70

Dresser 60s 70s

Brikbroc - Sold

Dresser 60s 70s
Table basse upcycling design

Design upcycling coffee table

Brikbroc - Sold

Design upcycling coffee table
Applique en bois de récup'

Reclaimed wood wall lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

Reclaimed wood wall lamp
Desserte atelier garage

Garage workshop service

Brikbroc - Sold

Garage workshop service
Table basse compas 60s

60s compas coffee table

Brikbroc - Sold

60s compas coffee table
Buffet mado

Mado buffet

Brikbroc - Sold

Mado buffet
Feux de navigation

Set of navigation lights

Brikbroc - Sold

Set of navigation lights
Lot de trois bouteilles 19e en terre cuite et grè

Lot of three bottles 19th in terracotta and gre

Brikbroc - Sold

Lot of three bottles 19th in terracotta and gre
Lampe atelier années 50

1950s workshop lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

1950s workshop lamp
Meuble à clapets

Cabinet with flaps

Brikbroc - Sold

Cabinet with flaps
Radio Celivox

Old wood radio

Brikbroc - Sold

Old wood radio
Chaise vintage relookée

Vintage revamped chair

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage revamped chair
Perroquet métal XXe

20th century metal parrot

Brikbroc - Sold

20th century metal parrot
Trois tables gigognes 70s

Three 70s nesting tables

Brikbroc - Sold

Three 70s nesting tables
Meuble de métiers atelier militaire

Military workshop trades furniture

Brikbroc - Sold

Military workshop trades furniture
Suspension vintage en verre

Vintage glass pendant light

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage glass pendant light
Fauteuil club années 50

1950s club chair

Brikbroc - Sold

1950s club chair
Lampe articulée bleue

Blue articulated lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

Blue articulated lamp
Petit meuble de rangement en bois

Small wooden storage cabinet

Brikbroc - Sold

Small wooden storage cabinet
Lot poulies en bois

Wooden pulley set

Brikbroc - Sold

Wooden pulley set
Meuble de métiers à clapets

Trade furniture

Brikbroc - Sold

Trade furniture
Feu de navigation de bateau

Boat navigation light

Brikbroc - Sold

Boat navigation light
Lot de petites poulies en bois

Lot of small wooden pulleys

Brikbroc - Sold

Lot of small wooden pulleys
Ancienne roue en bois

Old wooden wheel

Brikbroc - Sold

Old wooden wheel
Malle de voyage

Travel trunk

Brikbroc - Sold

Travel trunk
Buffet mado 60s

Mado 60s sideboard

Brikbroc - Sold

Mado 60s sideboard
Buffet mado relooké

Restored mado buffet

Brikbroc - Sold

Restored mado buffet
Buffet mado rénové

Renovated mado buffet

Brikbroc - Sold

Renovated mado buffet
Commode années 60

1960s dresser

Brikbroc - Sold

1960s dresser
Dame jeanne ambrée

Amber Dame Jeanne

Brikbroc - Sold

Amber Dame Jeanne
Tin toy over land express

Tin toy over land express

Brikbroc - Sold

Tin toy over land express
Aération ou plot d'amarrage bateau

Mooring stool stool

Brikbroc - Sold

Mooring stool stool
Sac en voiles recyclées

Recycled sails bag

Brikbroc - Sold

Recycled sails bag
Fauteuil vintage skai

Vintage skai armchair

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage skai armchair
Manes d'huitres

Manes of oysters

Brikbroc - Sold

Manes of oysters
Table basse orme massif

Solid elm coffee table

Brikbroc - Sold

Solid elm coffee table
Vestiaire ancien riveté années 50

Old riveted 1950s locker room

Brikbroc - Sold

Old riveted 1950s locker room
Fauteuil vintage en osier

Vintage wicker armchair

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage wicker armchair
Meuble industriel

Industrial furniture

Brikbroc - Sold

Industrial furniture
Ancien pot à choucroute grès

Old stoneware pot

Brikbroc - Sold

Old stoneware pot
Table en formica rouge

Red formica table

Brikbroc - Sold

Red formica table
Lampe de coursive

Corridor lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

Corridor lamp
Paire de fauteuils en rotin

Pair of 1970s rattan garden armchairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of 1970s rattan garden armchairs
Lot de trois Feux de navigation

Set of three navigation lights

Brikbroc - Sold

Set of three navigation lights
Parure de cheminée

Fireplace set

Brikbroc - Sold

Fireplace set
Grande jardinière ciment

Large cement planter

Brikbroc - Sold

Large cement planter
Vase vintage

Vintage vases and jugs

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage vases and jugs
Casier de tri postal

Postal sorting box

Brikbroc - Sold

Postal sorting box
Vestiaire métal deux portes

Metal locker with two doors

Brikbroc - Sold

Metal locker with two doors
Casier 20 clapets

Box 20 valves

Brikbroc - Sold

Box 20 valves
Burette machine à coudre Pfaff

Pfaff sewing machine burette

Brikbroc - Sold

Pfaff sewing machine burette
Lampe accordéon

Accordion lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

Accordion lamp
Paire de chaises design années 60

Pair of 60s design chairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of 60s design chairs
Table design octogonale

Octagonal design table

Brikbroc - Sold

Octagonal design table
Garde manger grand format

Large pantry

Brikbroc - Sold

Large pantry
Paire de Fauteuils club 50s

Pair of 50s club chairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of 50s club chairs
Lot de 4 chaises scandinave

Set of 4 Scandinavian chairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Set of 4 Scandinavian chairs
Pieds de machine outil en fonte

Cast iron machine tool feet

Brikbroc - Sold

Cast iron machine tool feet
Table d'architecte

Architect table

Brikbroc - Sold

Architect table
Lampe KI E KLAIR années 50

1950s workshop lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

1950s workshop lamp
Table de jardin rivetée art déco

Riveted art deco garden table

Brikbroc - Sold

Riveted art deco garden table
Table de chevet design

Designer bedside table

Brikbroc - Sold

Designer bedside table
Paire de fauteuils années 70

Pair of 1970s armchairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of 1970s armchairs
Porte pots années 60 en osier

60s wicker pot holder

Brikbroc - Sold

60s wicker pot holder
Globe ancien Girard et Barrère

Old Globe Girard and Barrère

Brikbroc - Sold

Old Globe Girard and Barrère
Chaise Luterma

Luterma chair

Brikbroc - Sold

Luterma chair
Tabouret de bar vintage

Vintage bar stool

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage bar stool
Colonne clapets métal et bois

Metal and wood valve column

Brikbroc - Sold

Metal and wood valve column
Casier métallique 4 tiroirs

Metal locker with 4 drawers

Brikbroc - Sold

Metal locker with 4 drawers
Coeur de mouton pédagogique

Educational sheep heart

Brikbroc - Sold

Educational sheep heart
Lot de deux flotteurs alu

Set of two aluminum floats

Brikbroc - Sold

Set of two aluminum floats
Porte plantes en rotin

Rattan plant holder

Brikbroc - Sold

Rattan plant holder
Caisse bidons d'huile castrol

Castrol oil case

Brikbroc - Sold

Castrol oil case
Coupe à fruits vallauris

Vallauris fruit bowl

Brikbroc - Sold

Vallauris fruit bowl
Coupe à fruits Vallauris

Vallauris fruit bowl

Brikbroc - Sold

Vallauris fruit bowl
Paire de tabourets de vacher

Pair of cowherd stools

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of cowherd stools
Lot de poignées en fonte début 20e

Lot of 16 cast iron handles early 20th century

Brikbroc - Sold

Lot of 16 cast iron handles early 20th century
Boite publicitaire Pezon et Michel

Pezon and Michel advertising box

Brikbroc - Sold

Pezon and Michel advertising box
Fauteuil Mullca maitre d'école

Mullca schoolmaster armchair

Brikbroc - Sold

Mullca schoolmaster armchair
Petite étagère acier tubulaire et bois

Small tubular steel and wood shelf

Brikbroc - Sold

Small tubular steel and wood shelf
Chaises Gammelgaard 80s

Vintage folding chairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage folding chairs
Petit établi peu encombrant

Small space-saving workbench

Brikbroc - Sold

Small space-saving workbench
Bergère style Louis XVI fin XIXe

Louis XVI style shepherdess late 19th century

Brikbroc - Sold

Louis XVI style shepherdess late 19th century
Paire de fauteuils années 50

Pair of 1950s armchairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of 1950s armchairs
Table de bistro

Bistro table

Brikbroc - Sold

Bistro table
Affiche entoilée années 50

Old poster

Brikbroc - Sold

Old poster
Bonnetière années 50

50s beanie

Brikbroc - Sold

50s beanie
Table basse en rotin ronde

Round rattan coffee table

Brikbroc - Sold

Round rattan coffee table
Arrosoir en zinc

Zinc watering can

Brikbroc - Sold

Zinc watering can
Porte revues en rotin

Rattan magazine rack

Brikbroc - Sold

Rattan magazine rack
Fauteuil de bureau Ronéo

Ronéo office chair

Brikbroc - Sold

Ronéo office chair
Grande plaque SNCF POSTE

Large SNCF POSTE plate

Brikbroc - Sold

Large SNCF POSTE plate
Globe vintage Chad Valley Toy maker

Vintage Globe Chad Valley Toy maker

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage Globe Chad Valley Toy maker
Petite armoire atelier

Small armoie workshop

Brikbroc - Sold

Small armoie workshop
Abat jour usine Mazda reflecto lux

Mazda reflecto lux factory shade

Brikbroc - Sold

Mazda reflecto lux factory shade
Déco jardin coupe sur pied et statue

Cup on foot

Brikbroc - Sold

Cup on foot
Console fonte et bois

Cast iron and wood console

Brikbroc - Sold

Cast iron and wood console
Meuble de métiers atelier

Workshop trades furniture

Brikbroc - Sold

Workshop trades furniture
Fauteuil LC1 Cassina

LC1 Cassina armchair

Brikbroc - Sold

LC1 Cassina armchair
Chaise d'atelier acier et bois

Comfortable workshop chair

Brikbroc - Sold

Comfortable workshop chair
Meuble télé industriel

Industrial TV stand

Brikbroc - Sold

Industrial TV stand
Fauteuil années 50

1950s armchair

Brikbroc - Sold

1950s armchair
Lampadaire eye ball 70s

70s eye ball floor lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

70s eye ball floor lamp
Meuble de métiers XXe

20th century furniture

Brikbroc - Sold

20th century furniture
Chaises de dessin industrielles

Industrial drawing chairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Industrial drawing chairs
Petite canne ancienne

Small old cane

Brikbroc - Sold

Small old cane
Petit miroir 1920

Old mirror

Brikbroc - Sold

Old mirror
Buffet années 60

Buffet 1960s

Brikbroc - Sold

Buffet 1960s
Coffre fort Bauche

Safe Bauche

Brikbroc - Sold

Safe Bauche
Caisson métal range dossiers

Metal box for storing files

Brikbroc - Sold

Metal box for storing files
Confiturier ancien XIXe

19th century jam maker

Brikbroc - Sold

19th century jam maker
Marche pieds de bibliothèque

Library feet

Brikbroc - Sold

Library feet
Chaise Louis Philippe

Louis Philipee chair

Brikbroc - Sold

Louis Philipee chair
Chaise design 60s

60s designer chair

Brikbroc - Sold

60s designer chair
Fauteuil space age

Space age armchair

Brikbroc - Sold

Space age armchair
Petit cheval à bascule

Little rocking horse

Brikbroc - Sold

Little rocking horse
Fauteuil en rotin et cuir

Rattan and leather armchair

Brikbroc - Sold

Rattan and leather armchair
Table ovale

Oval table

Brikbroc - Sold

Oval table
Fauteuil de coiffeur canné

Caned barber chair

Brikbroc - Sold

Caned barber chair