Rare items and items sold on the online flea market

Paire de chaises 60s

Pair of 60s chairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of 60s chairs
Fauteuil ancien années 60

Old armchair from the 60s

Brikbroc - Sold

Old armchair from the 60s
Commode vintage années 60 70

Vintage chest of drawers 60s 70s

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage chest of drawers 60s 70s
Suspensions industrielles émaillées

Enamelled industrial suspension

Brikbroc - Sold

Enamelled industrial suspension
La lampe du matelot

The sailor's lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

The sailor's lamp
épuisette à crevettes

shrimp net

Brikbroc - Sold

shrimp net
Buffet ancien années 50

Old sideboard from the 50s

Brikbroc - Sold

Old sideboard from the 50s
Commode vintage

Vintage chest of drawers

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage chest of drawers
Parka militaire armée française 1973

French army military parka 1973

Brikbroc - Sold

French army military parka 1973
Affiche entoilée Deyrolles XIXe

Canvas poster Deyrolles XIXth

Brikbroc - Sold

Canvas poster Deyrolles XIXth
Service à café vintage années 70

Vintage coffee service from the 70s

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage coffee service from the 70s
Plat faïence  Saint Michel

Saint Michel earthenware dish

Brikbroc - Sold

Saint Michel earthenware dish
Table industrielle sur mesure

Large industrial table

Brikbroc - Sold

Large industrial table
Comptoir plan de travail ancien

Old worktop counter

Brikbroc - Sold

Old worktop counter
Lampe de bureau vintage jaune

Vintage yellow desk lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage yellow desk lamp
Combinaison Guy Cotten taille 1

Guy Cotten jumpsuit size 1

Brikbroc - Sold

Guy Cotten jumpsuit size 1
Boite photographique

Photographic box

Brikbroc - Sold

Photographic box
Jouet ancien machine à coudre

Old sewing machine toy

Brikbroc - Sold

Old sewing machine toy
Dynamo phare Mynalux

Bicycle headlight dynamo

Brikbroc - Sold

Bicycle headlight dynamo
Table vintage années 60 artisanat français

Vintage table 60s French craftsmanship

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage table 60s French craftsmanship
Lampadaire trois feux restauré

Three-light floor lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

Three-light floor lamp
Suspension en verre dentelle

Old lace glass shade

Brikbroc - Sold

Old lace glass shade
Miroir ancien

Old mirror

Brikbroc - Sold

Old mirror
Oiseau en bois ancien bécassine

Old wooden snipe bird

Brikbroc - Sold

Old wooden snipe bird
Buffet bas mado 60s

Mado low sideboard 60s

Brikbroc - Sold

Mado low sideboard 60s
Oiseau en bois art populaire peint main

Hand painted folk art wooden bird

Brikbroc - Sold

Hand painted folk art wooden bird
Oiseaux en bois peint main XXe

20th century hand painted wooden marsh birds

Brikbroc - Sold

20th century hand painted wooden marsh birds
Compresseur Michelin années 30 orange

Michelin compressor from the 30s orange

Brikbroc - Sold

Michelin compressor from the 30s orange
Lunettes d'aviateur WW2

WW2 aviator glasses

Brikbroc - Sold

WW2 aviator glasses
Baignoire bassine en zinc

Zinc bathtub for children

Brikbroc - Sold

Zinc bathtub for children
Lampe Tensor corp. USA

Tensor corp. lamp USA

Brikbroc - Sold

Tensor corp. lamp USA
Fauteuil années 70

70s armchair

Brikbroc - Sold

70s armchair
Lot de boules de filets en verre

Set of glass net balls

Brikbroc - Sold

Set of glass net balls
Table de salle à manger

Dining table

Brikbroc - Sold

Dining table
pouff en cuir marocain

moroccan leather pouf

Brikbroc - Sold

moroccan leather pouf
Lithographie drawn by Gould printed by Hullmandel

Lithograph drawn by Gould printed by Hullmandel

Brikbroc - Sold

Lithograph drawn by Gould printed by Hullmandel
Fauteuil de bureau ancien

Old office chair

Brikbroc - Sold

Old office chair
Table de toilette coiffeuse

Dressing table

Brikbroc - Sold

Dressing table
Fauteuil ancien paille rouge

Old red straw armchair

Brikbroc - Sold

Old red straw armchair
Téléphone ancien

Old telephone

Brikbroc - Sold

Old telephone
Porte revues ancien en rotin

Old rattan magazine rack

Brikbroc - Sold

Old rattan magazine rack
Caisse à bouteilles bois Evian

Evian wooden bottle crate

Brikbroc - Sold

Evian wooden bottle crate
Porte ustensiles émaillé

Enamelled utensil holder

Brikbroc - Sold

Enamelled utensil holder
Mobilier industriel sur mesure

Custom industrial furniture

Brikbroc - Sold

Custom industrial furniture
Lampe de lecture

Reading lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

Reading lamp
Paire de chaises bistro pub irlandais

Pair of Irish pub bistro chairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of Irish pub bistro chairs
Plafonnier Mapelec Amiens

Mapelec Amiens ceiling light

Brikbroc - Sold

Mapelec Amiens ceiling light
Lampe Adher Verte

Green adler lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

Green adler lamp
Suspension en verre de Clichy

60s glass suspension

Brikbroc - Sold

60s glass suspension
Lampe de bureau design

1960s desk lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

1960s desk lamp
Réveil JAZ

JAZ alarm clock

Brikbroc - Sold

JAZ alarm clock
Dame jeanne ancienne

Lot of old demijohns

Brikbroc - Sold

Lot of old demijohns
Porte manteaux Italie 60's

Italy 60's coat rack

Brikbroc - Sold

Italy 60's coat rack
Solido DS

Solido DS

Brikbroc - Sold

Solido DS
Pendule vintage en verre

Vintage glass pendulum

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage glass pendulum
Lot de six chaises bistro Baumann

Set of six Baumann bistro chairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Set of six Baumann bistro chairs
Paire de chaises formica 60s 70s

Pair of formica chairs 60s 70s

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of formica chairs 60s 70s
Table d'appoint rotin 60s

60s rattan side table

Brikbroc - Sold

60s rattan side table
Chaises d'école

School chairs

Brikbroc - Sold

School chairs
Lustre design 60s quatre feux diabolo

60s designer chandelier with four diabolo lights

Brikbroc - Sold

60s designer chandelier with four diabolo lights
Table basse la roue Vallauris

60s 70s craft coffee table

Brikbroc - Sold

60s 70s craft coffee table
lot de chaises bistro

set of bistro chairs

Brikbroc - Sold

set of bistro chairs
Pots pharmacie 1900

Lot of three glass pharmacy jars 1900

Brikbroc - Sold

Lot of three glass pharmacy jars 1900
Manne d'huitre panier à huitres

Manna of oysters oyster basket

Brikbroc - Sold

Manna of oysters oyster basket
Tapis en cordage matelotage

Seamanship Rope Mat

Brikbroc - Sold

Seamanship Rope Mat
Compteur de loch

Log counter

Brikbroc - Sold

Log counter
Carte marine vintage de Kattegat

Kattegat vintage nautical chart

Brikbroc - Sold

Kattegat vintage nautical chart
Carte marine vintage de la Tamise Angleterre

Vintage nautical chart of the Thames England

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage nautical chart of the Thames England
Lot de quatre assiettes

Set of four plates

Brikbroc - Sold

Set of four plates
Béret vintage laine

Vintage wool beret

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage wool beret
Paire de fauteuils rotin

Pair of shell armchairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of shell armchairs
Fauteuil paillé dossier haut

Straw armchair high back

Brikbroc - Sold

Straw armchair high back
Chaise vintage restauré

Restored vintage chair

Brikbroc - Sold

Restored vintage chair
Fauteuil pieds compas design 60s

Armchair with compass feet design 60s

Brikbroc - Sold

Armchair with compass feet design 60s
Lampe de chevet

Bedside lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

Bedside lamp
Matelotage pomme de touline

Pomme de touline matelotage

Brikbroc - Sold

Pomme de touline matelotage
Banquette caisse d'armes restaurée

Weapons crate bench restored

Brikbroc - Sold

Weapons crate bench restored


Brikbroc - Sold

Carreaux de ciment anciens

old cement tiles

Brikbroc - Sold

old cement tiles
Coussin vintage roses

Pink vintage cushion

Brikbroc - Sold

Pink vintage cushion
lampe atelier création originale

original creation workshop lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

original creation workshop lamp
Coussin récup' tapisserie

Upholstery cushion

Brikbroc - Sold

Upholstery cushion
Coussin vintage plumes et crochet

Vintage feather and crochet cushion

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage feather and crochet cushion
Fauteuil voltaire matelotage

Armchair voltaire seamanship

Brikbroc - Sold

Armchair voltaire seamanship
Lampadaire design trois arcs

Floor lamp design three arcs

Brikbroc - Sold

Floor lamp design three arcs
Chaise vintage tapissée

Vintage upholstered chair

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage upholstered chair
lampe STARK Rosy Angelis

STARK lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

STARK lamp
Balance à bascule ancienne

Old rocking scale

Brikbroc - Sold

Old rocking scale
Chaise jardin 50s

50s garden chair

Brikbroc - Sold

50s garden chair
Porte revues en rotin

Rattan magazine rack

Brikbroc - Sold

Rattan magazine rack
déco bord de méer voilier bois

wooden sailboat seaside decoration

Brikbroc - Sold

wooden sailboat seaside decoration
Objet de comptoir publicitaire Yellorex

Yellorex advertising counter object

Brikbroc - Sold

Yellorex advertising counter object
Table basse malle

Trunk coffee table

Brikbroc - Sold

Trunk coffee table
Escalier droit ancien

Miller scale

Brikbroc - Sold

Miller scale
Flotteurs et bout'

Floats and end'

Brikbroc - Sold

Floats and end'
Paire de fauteuils années 60 70

Pair of 60s 70s armchairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of 60s 70s armchairs
Lot de trois rames anciennes

Lot of three old oars

Brikbroc - Sold

Lot of three old oars
Bouée ancienne en alu

Old aluminum buoy

Brikbroc - Sold

Old aluminum buoy
Compas Bergen

Bergen Compass

Brikbroc - Sold

Bergen Compass
Garde manger ancien en bois

Old wooden pantry

Brikbroc - Sold

Old wooden pantry
Canevas d'après Albert Cuyp

Canvas after Albert Cuyp

Brikbroc - Sold

Canvas after Albert Cuyp
Vestiaire porte d'entrée alu 50 60

Cloakroom front door chrome 50 60

Brikbroc - Sold

Cloakroom front door chrome 50 60
Table 60s pieds compas


Brikbroc - Sold

Ensemble salon de jardin ancien

Old garden furniture set

Brikbroc - Sold

Old garden furniture set
Table de boucher traiteur dans son jus.

Butcher's table caterer in its own juice.

Brikbroc - Sold

Butcher's table caterer in its own juice.
Table bistro carré Tolix décapée cirée

Tolix square bistro table waxed stripped

Brikbroc - Sold

Tolix square bistro table waxed stripped
Table bistro Tolix

Tolix bistro table

Brikbroc - Sold

Tolix bistro table
Commode art déco

Art deco chest of drawers

Brikbroc - Sold

Art deco chest of drawers
Casier métal 20 clapets

Metal locker with 20 flaps

Brikbroc - Sold

Metal locker with 20 flaps
Demi coque vintage

Vintage half shell

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage half shell
Lampe architecte années 80

80s architect lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

80s architect lamp
DIY Bidon d'huile lampe

DIY Oil Can Lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

DIY Oil Can Lamp
Lampe atelier AB

Workshop lamp AB

Brikbroc - Sold

Workshop lamp AB
mappemonde IGN FRANCE 1975

globe wall world map

Brikbroc - Sold

globe wall world map
Pot à lait

Milk pot

Brikbroc - Sold

Milk pot
Balance d'épicerie Lutrana

Lutrana Grocery Scale

Brikbroc - Sold

Lutrana Grocery Scale
Miroir ancien piqué cadre bois blanc

Antique stitched mirror with white wood frame

Brikbroc - Sold

Antique stitched mirror with white wood frame
Porte bouteilles en rotin

Rattan bottle holder

Brikbroc - Sold

Rattan bottle holder
Grand saloir en grès

Large sandstone salt tub

Brikbroc - Sold

Large sandstone salt tub
Lot de trois planches champignons.

Lot of three vintage frames

Brikbroc - Sold

Lot of three vintage frames
Rare boite banao

Rare banao box

Brikbroc - Sold

Rare banao box
Chaise d'angle bois tourné 1950s

Turned wood corner chair 1950s

Brikbroc - Sold

Turned wood corner chair 1950s
Commode originale design 50s

Original 50s design chest of drawers

Brikbroc - Sold

Original 50s design chest of drawers
Buffet mado design années 60

60s design mado sideboard

Brikbroc - Sold

60s design mado sideboard
Oiseaux du marais en bois peint main XXe

20th century hand painted wooden marsh birds

Brikbroc - Sold

20th century hand painted wooden marsh birds
Porte manteaux en rotin vernis

Coat rack in varnished rattan

Brikbroc - Sold

Coat rack in varnished rattan
Porte manteaux ancien 50s

Old 50s coat rack

Brikbroc - Sold

Old 50s coat rack
Rocking chair années 50 60

Rocking chair 50s 60s

Brikbroc - Sold

Rocking chair 50s 60s
Buffet années 50

50s sideboard

Brikbroc - Sold

50s sideboard
Planisphère air France vintage encadré

Planisphere air France vintage framed

Brikbroc - Sold

Planisphere air France vintage framed
Fauteuil de maître d'école

Pair of schoolmaster's chairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of schoolmaster's chairs
Appliques style médieval fer forgé

Medieval style wrought iron sconces

Brikbroc - Sold

Medieval style wrought iron sconces
Buffet plan de travail ardoise de Marennes Oleron

slate plancha central island buffet

Brikbroc - Sold

slate plancha central island buffet
Ancienne vitrine commerce

Old shop window

Brikbroc - Sold

Old shop window
Lot de quatre assiettes  flower power 70s

Set of four 70s flower power plates

Brikbroc - Sold

Set of four 70s flower power plates
Lampe Brilliant AG Allemagne

Lamp Brilliant AG Germany

Brikbroc - Sold

Lamp Brilliant AG Germany
Paire de fauteuils voltaire

Pair of voltaire armchairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of voltaire armchairs
Petit meuble années 50

Small piece of furniture from the 40s

Brikbroc - Sold

Small piece of furniture from the 40s
Vestiaire métal 3 portes

3-door metal cloakroom

Brikbroc - Sold

3-door metal cloakroom
Petit cadre décor floral en coquillage

Small shell floral decor frame

Brikbroc - Sold

Small shell floral decor frame
Dames Jeanne

Ladies Joan

Brikbroc - Sold

Ladies Joan
Petit étau bijoutier

Small jeweler's vice

Brikbroc - Sold

Small jeweler's vice
Lot de deux burettes Wesco

Set of two Wesco cruets

Brikbroc - Sold

Set of two Wesco cruets
Lit en fer forgé ancien début XXe avec des angelots 102 x 183 cm

Old wrought iron bed early 20th century with cherubs 40.16 x 72.05 inch

Brikbroc - Sold

Old wrought iron bed early 20th century with cherubs 40.16 x 72.05 inch
Cendrier Saint Raphael

Ashtray Saint Raphael

Brikbroc - Sold

Ashtray Saint Raphael
Oiseau en bois art populaire

Folk art wooden bird

Brikbroc - Sold

Folk art wooden bird
travailleuse vintage

vintage worker

Brikbroc - Sold

vintage worker
Garde manger 1950s peint main

1950s hand painted pantry

Brikbroc - Sold

1950s hand painted pantry
Chaise moumoute Pelfran Rose

Pelfran Pink Toupee Chair

Brikbroc - Sold

Pelfran Pink Toupee Chair
Table ovale pliante

Folding oval table

Brikbroc - Sold

Folding oval table
Cloche d'école

school bell

Brikbroc - Sold

school bell
Cartes marines

Nautical charts France England Finland Sweden Norway Ireland

Brikbroc - Sold

Nautical charts France England Finland Sweden Norway Ireland
Table basse porte magazine années 50

50s magazine holder coffee table

Brikbroc - Sold

50s magazine holder coffee table
Bacs galvanisés Philips

Philips galvanized bins

Brikbroc - Sold

Philips galvanized bins
Canevas ancien

old canvas

Brikbroc - Sold

old canvas
Escabeau ancien restauré

Restored old stepladder

Brikbroc - Sold

Restored old stepladder
Meuble trente clapets

Thirty flaps cabinet

Brikbroc - Sold

Thirty flaps cabinet
Fauteuil pliant en alu

Folding aluminum armchair

Brikbroc - Sold

Folding aluminum armchair
Paire de fauteuils anglais XIXe siècle

Pair of 19th century English armchairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of 19th century English armchairs
Desserte vintage pieds compas restaurée

Vintage cart with compass feet restored

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage cart with compass feet restored