Rare items and items sold on the online flea market

Etabli meuble industriel

Industrial furniture workbench

Brikbroc - Sold

Industrial furniture workbench
Buffet ancien mado 60s

Antique mado 60s sideboard

Brikbroc - Sold

Antique mado 60s sideboard
Lampe atelier Kumewa

Kumewa workshop lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

Kumewa workshop lamp
Buffet ancien bois massif laqué noir

Antique black lacquered solid wood sideboard

Brikbroc - Sold

Antique black lacquered solid wood sideboard
Paire de chaises vintage

Pair of vintage chairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of vintage chairs
Paire de chaises vintage chrome

Pair of vintage chrome chairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of vintage chrome chairs
Tabouret bois vintage à vis

Vintage wooden stool with screws

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage wooden stool with screws
lot trois tabliers Dutilleul et Minard Paris

lot of three Dutilleul and Minard Paris aprons

Brikbroc - Sold

lot of three Dutilleul and Minard Paris aprons
Horloge murale Jaz avec calendrier perpétuel

Jaz wall clock with perpetual calendar

Brikbroc - Sold

Jaz wall clock with perpetual calendar
Porte plantes en bois tourné

Turned wood plant holder

Brikbroc - Sold

Turned wood plant holder
Bouée de sauvetage ancienne

Old lifebuoy

Brikbroc - Sold

Old lifebuoy
Vinaigrier ancien XXe

20th century old vinegar maker

Brikbroc - Sold

20th century old vinegar maker
Banquette pied de lit

Bedside bench

Brikbroc - Sold

Bedside bench
Création originale sur carte

Original creation on card

Brikbroc - Sold

Original creation on card
Verres anciens ciselés

Antique chiseled glasses

Brikbroc - Sold

Antique chiseled glasses
Livres sur l'art

Books on art

Brikbroc - Sold

Books on art
Photo cargo marin

Photo marine cargo

Brikbroc - Sold

Photo marine cargo
Arrosoir ancien en zinc

Old zinc watering can

Brikbroc - Sold

Old zinc watering can
Casier 16 bouteille acier galvannisé

16 bottle galvanized steel rack

Brikbroc - Sold

16 bottle galvanized steel rack
Bol grès pirité

Stoneware bowl pirate

Brikbroc - Sold

Stoneware bowl pirate
lot de flotteurs vintage filets de pêches

lot of vintage fishing net floats

Brikbroc - Sold

lot of vintage fishing net floats
Carte marine english channel

English Channel Marine Chart

Brikbroc - Sold

English Channel Marine Chart
Cafetière vintage 60's céramique

Vintage 60's ceramic coffee maker

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage 60's ceramic coffee maker
Tabouret à vis industriel

Industrial screw stool

Brikbroc - Sold

Industrial screw stool
Baignoire ancienne en zinc 2m

Antique zinc bathtub 2m

Brikbroc - Sold

Antique zinc bathtub 2m
Chaise design années 60

60s design chair

Brikbroc - Sold

60s design chair
Lot assiettes Gien

Lot of Gien plates

Brikbroc - Sold

Lot of Gien plates
Tirelires cochon en fonte

Cast iron piggy banks

Brikbroc - Sold

Cast iron piggy banks
Miroir art déco miroiterie Broquard Bordeaux

Art Deco mirror Broquard Bordeaux mirror factory

Brikbroc - Sold

Art Deco mirror Broquard Bordeaux mirror factory
Buffet ancien années 30 40

Old sideboard from the 30s and 40s

Brikbroc - Sold

Old sideboard from the 30s and 40s
Tête à chapeau rotin

Rattan hat head

Brikbroc - Sold

Rattan hat head
Assiette à huitres GIEN

GIEN oyster plate

Brikbroc - Sold

GIEN oyster plate
Paire de bridge design années 60

Pair of 60s design bridges

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of 60s design bridges
Coussin canevas

Canvas cushion

Brikbroc - Sold

Canvas cushion
Petit meuble années 50

Small piece of furniture from the 50s

Brikbroc - Sold

Small piece of furniture from the 50s
Fauteuil percé Baumann

Baumann commode chair

Brikbroc - Sold

Baumann commode chair
Travailleuse couture 60s

Sewing worker 60s

Brikbroc - Sold

Sewing worker 60s
Bouée vintage

Vintage buoy

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage buoy
Fauteuils de bureau 70s

70s office chairs

Brikbroc - Sold

70s office chairs
Lampadaire space age chrome

Space age chrome floor lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

Space age chrome floor lamp
Lampadaire space age chrome

Space age chrome floor lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

Space age chrome floor lamp
Poulie bois ancienne deux réas

Old wooden pulley with two sheaves

Brikbroc - Sold

Old wooden pulley with two sheaves
Chaise vintage restaurée

Restored vintage chair

Brikbroc - Sold

Restored vintage chair
Chaises art déco relookées

Revamped art deco chairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Revamped art deco chairs
Classeur bois mobilier style BNF

BNF style furniture wood filing cabinet

Brikbroc - Sold

BNF style furniture wood filing cabinet
Suspension opaline Disderot 60s

Disderot 60s opaline pendant light

Brikbroc - Sold

Disderot 60s opaline pendant light
Lot de six chaises skai

Set of six skai chairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Set of six skai chairs
Table de jeu

Game table

Brikbroc - Sold

Game table
Lampadaire eye ball

Eye ball floor lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

Eye ball floor lamp
Petit buffet mado 1950

Small mado buffet 1950

Brikbroc - Sold

Small mado buffet 1950
Lampe à poser

Table lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

Table lamp
Rouleau à patisserie

Rolling pin

Brikbroc - Sold

Rolling pin
Sac création originale upcycling

Original upcycling creation bag

Brikbroc - Sold

Original upcycling creation bag
Rocking chair

Rocking chair

Brikbroc - Sold

Rocking chair
Boite en cuir début XXe

Leather box from the early 20th century

Brikbroc - Sold

Leather box from the early 20th century
Soliflore bouquetière 1900

Soliflore flower girl 1900

Brikbroc - Sold

Soliflore flower girl 1900
cadre vintage gravure plante

frame vintage engraving plant

Brikbroc - Sold

frame vintage engraving plant
Petit cadre doré ancien

Small old golden frame

Brikbroc - Sold

Small old golden frame
Arrosoir ancien vintage

Old vintage watering can

Brikbroc - Sold

Old vintage watering can
Etagère sur roues

Shelf on wheels

Brikbroc - Sold

Shelf on wheels
Classeur à rideaux YAC

YAC Curtain File Cabinet

Brikbroc - Sold

YAC Curtain File Cabinet
Chaises bois et skai blanc

Set of six wood and white skai chairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Set of six wood and white skai chairs
Cloche ancienne en bronze

Antique bronze bell

Brikbroc - Sold

Antique bronze bell
Vitrine Royal board Sweden

Royal board Sweden display case

Brikbroc - Sold

Royal board Sweden display case
Seau de puit 1900

Well bucket 1900

Brikbroc - Sold

Well bucket 1900
Selette à étagères laiton et verre

Selette with brass and glass shelves

Brikbroc - Sold

Selette with brass and glass shelves
Lot d'assiettes vintage Sarreguemines

Lot of vintage Sarreguemines plates

Brikbroc - Sold

Lot of vintage Sarreguemines plates
Plat vintage terres de feu

Vintage dish lands of fire

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage dish lands of fire
Buffet mado années 50

Mado sideboard painted white 1950s

Brikbroc - Sold

Mado sideboard painted white 1950s
Table ronde en bois massif

Sunflower Hand Painted Solid Wood Round Table

Brikbroc - Sold

Sunflower Hand Painted Solid Wood Round Table
lampe de table et applique murale

table lamp and wall light

Brikbroc - Sold

table lamp and wall light
Affiche Dr Auzoux La grenouille

Dr Auzoux The Frog Poster

Brikbroc - Sold

Dr Auzoux The Frog Poster
Plante en pot ancien grès d'alsace

Plant in old Alsace sandstone pot

Brikbroc - Sold

Plant in old Alsace sandstone pot
Affiches P. Sougy Docteur Auzoux années 50

Posters P. Sougy Docteur Auzoux 1950s

Brikbroc - Sold

Posters P. Sougy Docteur Auzoux 1950s
Miroir bambou 60s

60s bamboo mirror

Brikbroc - Sold

60s bamboo mirror
Table d'appoint en plexiglas

Plexiglass side table

Brikbroc - Sold

Plexiglass side table
Garde manger ancien

Old pantry

Brikbroc - Sold

Old pantry
Chaise ancienne bois courbé

Old bentwood chair

Brikbroc - Sold

Old bentwood chair
Etagère pliante en bois patiné

Patinated wood folding shelf

Brikbroc - Sold

Patinated wood folding shelf
Table basse ardoise sur commande

Pallet and slate coffee table # 2

Brikbroc - Sold

Pallet and slate coffee table # 2
Bol en céramique vintage

Vintage ceramic bowl

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage ceramic bowl
Desserte usine

Factory service

Brikbroc - Sold

Factory service
Chaise ancienne en bois courbé

Antique bentwood chair

Brikbroc - Sold

Antique bentwood chair
Paire de chaises en rotin

Pair of rattan chairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of rattan chairs


Brikbroc - Sold

Bidon d'huile baleines Tommy Bim

Tommy Bim whale oil can

Brikbroc - Sold

Tommy Bim whale oil can
Etabli de fourgon artisan

Craftsman van workbench

Brikbroc - Sold

Craftsman van workbench
Porte manteaux Roger Ferraud

Roger Ferraud coat rack

Brikbroc - Sold

Roger Ferraud coat rack
Lanterne locomotive

Locomotive lantern

Brikbroc - Sold

Locomotive lantern
Fauteuil rotin vintage

Vintage rattan armchair

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage rattan armchair
Boite à pharmacie ancienne en bois

Old wooden medicine box

Brikbroc - Sold

Old wooden medicine box
Petite vitrine 1950

Small display case 1950

Brikbroc - Sold

Small display case 1950
Miroiir ancien

Old mirror

Brikbroc - Sold

Old mirror
Fauteuil cocktail années 50 60

Cocktail armchair from the 50s and 60s

Brikbroc - Sold

Cocktail armchair from the 50s and 60s
Flotteur en verre ambré

Amber glass float

Brikbroc - Sold

Amber glass float
Bouée de filet

Set of two net buoys

Brikbroc - Sold

Set of two net buoys
Garde manger ancien bois

Old wooden pantry

Brikbroc - Sold

Old wooden pantry
Travailleuse design 60

Design worker 60

Brikbroc - Sold

Design worker 60
Forme à chapeau

Hat shape

Brikbroc - Sold

Hat shape
Chaise atelier Bien aise années 50

Bien ease workshop chair 50s

Brikbroc - Sold

Bien ease workshop chair 50s
Fauteuil bridge tapissé dans notre atelier

Upholstered bridge armchair in our workshop

Brikbroc - Sold

Upholstered bridge armchair in our workshop
Dame jeanne osier

wicker demijohn

Brikbroc - Sold

wicker demijohn
Dame jeanne ancienne années 50

1950s old demijohn

Brikbroc - Sold

1950s old demijohn
Table de chevet belle patine

Beautiful patina bedside table

Brikbroc - Sold

Beautiful patina bedside table
Encre et peinture sur carte marine

Ink and paint on nautical chart

Brikbroc - Sold

Ink and paint on nautical chart
Petit meuble années 50

Small piece of furniture from the 50s

Brikbroc - Sold

Small piece of furniture from the 50s
Paire de suspension space age 70s

70s ball pendant light

Brikbroc - Sold

70s ball pendant light
Lampe accordéon atelier

Workshop accordion lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

Workshop accordion lamp
Fauteuil en rotin vintage

Vintage rattan armchair

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage rattan armchair
Porte manteaux deux patères

Coat rack with two hooks

Brikbroc - Sold

Coat rack with two hooks
Porte enveloppes bois laiton

Brass wood envelope holder

Brikbroc - Sold

Brass wood envelope holder
Pendule formica

Formica pendulum

Brikbroc - Sold

Formica pendulum
Pot à sauce ou soupe

Sauce or soup pot

Brikbroc - Sold

Sauce or soup pot
Lot cinq pots d'épices

Set of five spice jars

Brikbroc - Sold

Set of five spice jars
Lot poêlons escargot

Set of snail pans

Brikbroc - Sold

Set of snail pans
Faïence de Quimper XIXe

Quimper earthenware 19th century

Brikbroc - Sold

Quimper earthenware 19th century
Plat à poisson Digoin

Digoin fish dish

Brikbroc - Sold

Digoin fish dish
Porte revues rotin

Rattan magazine rack

Brikbroc - Sold

Rattan magazine rack
Service à café vintage

Vintage Sarreguemines tea service

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage Sarreguemines tea service
Skis nautiques années 80

80s water skis

Brikbroc - Sold

80s water skis
Lampe plafonnier détourné

Diverted ceiling lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

Diverted ceiling lamp
Tabouret vintage années 70

Vintage 70s stool

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage 70s stool
Lampe boulier bois noirci

Blackened wooden abacus lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

Blackened wooden abacus lamp
Abat jour en verre moulé rose

Pink molded glass lampshade

Brikbroc - Sold

Pink molded glass lampshade
Etagère en rotin vintage

Vintage rattan shelf

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage rattan shelf
Table basse ronde pieds compas

Round coffee table with compass legs

Brikbroc - Sold

Round coffee table with compass legs
Commode pieds compas vintage 70

Vintage 70s compass foot chest of drawers

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage 70s compass foot chest of drawers
Table design 70

Designer table 70

Brikbroc - Sold

Designer table 70
Paire de chaises Mondor

Pair of Mondor chairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of Mondor chairs
Paire de chaises bridge

Pair of bridge chairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Pair of bridge chairs
Secrétaire vintage années 60

Vintage secretary from the 60s

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage secretary from the 60s
Colonne à clapets industrielle

Industrial valve column

Brikbroc - Sold

Industrial valve column
table basse industrielle miroir verrière

industrial coffee table mirrored glass roof

Brikbroc - Sold

industrial coffee table mirrored glass roof
Table basse années 60

60s coffee table

Brikbroc - Sold

60s coffee table
Tabourets chrome datés mars 1970

Chrome stools dated March 1970

Brikbroc - Sold

Chrome stools dated March 1970
Boule en verre ambré

Amber glass ball

Brikbroc - Sold

Amber glass ball
Adidas classic

Adidas classic

Brikbroc - Sold

Adidas classic
Ancienne horloge de cloison

Old wall clock

Brikbroc - Sold

Old wall clock
Flotteurs en verre filet anciens

Antique mesh glass floats

Brikbroc - Sold

Antique mesh glass floats
Grande boite à chapeau

Large old hat box

Brikbroc - Sold

Large old hat box
Maquette de voilier art populaire

Folk art sailboat model

Brikbroc - Sold

Folk art sailboat model
Table basse vintage

Vintage coffee table

Brikbroc - Sold

Vintage coffee table
Lit en fer forgé ancien

Old wrought iron bed

Brikbroc - Sold

Old wrought iron bed
Malle d'officier palissandre

Rosewood officer's trunk

Brikbroc - Sold

Rosewood officer's trunk
Fauteuil ancien restauré

Restored old armchair

Brikbroc - Sold

Restored old armchair
Mânes d'huitres anciennes galvanisées

Old galvanized oyster shells

Brikbroc - Sold

Old galvanized oyster shells
Bateau de bassin LR

LR basin boat

Brikbroc - Sold

LR basin boat
Grande bonbonne en verre bullé

Large bubbled glass carboy

Brikbroc - Sold

Large bubbled glass carboy
Panier de pêche


Brikbroc - Sold

Table de chevet style Louis XV

Louis XV style bedside table

Brikbroc - Sold

Louis XV style bedside table
Chaise vintage scandinave

Scandinavian vintage chair

Brikbroc - Sold

Scandinavian vintage chair
Vestiaire d'entrée art déco

Art deco entrance cloakroom

Brikbroc - Sold

Art deco entrance cloakroom
Buffet mado 50s avec bar tournant

Mado 50s buffet with rotating bar

Brikbroc - Sold

Mado 50s buffet with rotating bar
Deux abats jour dentelle

Two lace lampshades

Brikbroc - Sold

Two lace lampshades
Fauteuil cabriolet Louis XVI

Louis XVI style

Brikbroc - Sold

Louis XVI style
Chaise de bureau

Office chairs

Brikbroc - Sold

Office chairs
Lampe de table chrome

Chrome table lamp

Brikbroc - Sold

Chrome table lamp
Mange debout en bois

Wooden standing table

Brikbroc - Sold

Wooden standing table
Tabouret rustique vacher

Rustic cowherd stool

Brikbroc - Sold

Rustic cowherd stool
Tableau ardoise bois CC

CC wooden slate board

Brikbroc - Sold

CC wooden slate board